Both men chose to preserve their knowledge of the pattern in a hidden form for some unknown future purpose. Gann, and by the mindfulness exponent, George Gurdjieff. It also suggests that it was known about in the early part of the 20th century because it was concealed in the structure of books written by the renowned stock market trader, William D. The research here suggests that the pattern was known about in antiquity because it was buried in a short passage in St Matthew's Gospel in the Bible. It can be found in fluctuations in stock markets and in economic activity. The Law is embodied in a very specific pattern of oscillation that accompanies change and evolution. In 'The Law of Vibration' Tony Plummer presents a new theory which he argues is revealing of a fundamental truth about the deep-structure of the universe. Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 12, Verses 38-40, Greek TextĪppendix 4: The Structure of William Gann's Tunnel Thru the AirĪppendix 5: The Structure of George Gurdjieff's Beelzebub's TalesĪppendix 6: The Structure of the First 28 Chapters of Beelzebub's TalesĪppendix 7: The 1940-45/46 Inter-Cycle HiatusĪppendix 8: A Note on William Gann's The Magic Word

Matthew's Gospel and the Law of VibrationĪppendix 1: Numerical Equivalents of New Testament Greek LettersĪppendix 2: St. The Son of Man in the Heart of the Earthġ0. The Golden Ratio and the Christian Scripturesĥ.